What is the salary for a VP of Engineering in Berlin, Germany?

€107,875 is the average salary for a VP of Engineering in Berlin, Germany.  At Caissa Global Recruitment, we see this role of VP of Engineering ranges from €89,250 to €126,500. These salary figures match other positions including Head of Technology and Director of Engineering, as responsibilities are similar. 

We do not post senior tech jobs on our website due to client confidentiality. Please do contact us if you're keen to know which skillsets are required for available senior roles, we will be happy to provide you with more details.

What is the salary for a Director of Engineering in Berlin, Germany?

€107,875 is the average salary for a Director of Engineering in Berlin, Germany.  At Caissa Global Recruitment, we see this role of Director of Engineering ranges from €89,250 to €126,500. Because the responsibilities are similar to the roles of Head of Engineering/Technology and VP of Engineering - we see salaries for these roles at similar levels. 

VP of Engineering roles including Director of Technology or Head of Tech hold an average salary frequently above €100,000.