What's a Chief Technology Officer's Salary in Berlin, Germany?

€153,000 is the average salary for a CTO in Berlin, Germany in 2023. The salary range is €130,000 - €265,000 when it comes to offers Caissa Global Recruitment sees for candidates we submit to major tech firms. In addition to salary, Chief Technology Officers are often extended additional benefits, including share options and/or VSOP. These benefits are usually provided in the low double digits at pre-seed companies, up to 10% at seed companies, up to 5% at Series A funded companies and between 0.25-1% at Series B funded companies.

We do not post senior tech jobs on our website due to client confidentiality. Please do contact us if you're keen to know which skillsets are required for available senior roles, we will be happy to provide you with more details.

€153,000 is the CTO salary average per year in Berlin, Germany in 2023.

CTO Influencers in Berlin, Germany

Want to get a Chief Technology Officer Role in Berlin?

  • CTO Roles are frequently not advertised online openly for a variety of reasons, including privacy and competition concerns of the company seeking a new CTO. As a a result, making personal connections for this senior role is more important than for lower level roles. Email [email protected] to learn what CTO roles we are currently submitting candidates for.
  • Aspring to be a CTO in the future? Check out our Jobs page for your next move. Don't see what you're looking for? We are always updating the page so it's worth letting us know you're looking via our Contact page.
  • Read our Ultimate Guide to Getting a Developer Job in Berlin if you're gearing up to find your next role.