How To Evaluate If A Recruiter Will Present The Right Image of Your Company. Konstanty Sliwowski, CEO and founder of Caissa Global Recruitment, poses the question, “What are you looking for in a recruiter?” discussing the true value that leading agencies can deliver.

Very few companies pose themselves this question, overlooking the basic value that specialized recruitment has to offer. The expectations for recruiters are very low, with the common ruling misconception leading most to believe that recruiters are simply a source of CVs. However, when you hire a recruiter who does every aspect of their job, you support not only staffing but your brand image as well. 

Find a Recruiter Who Excels

Before you employ the services of a recruiter, ask them about their process. Ask your recruiter to explain their company and the basic methodology behind their screening and recruitment process. Find out how involved they are in getting to know your company and staff better so that you can see if they’re devoted to staffing the best person for each unique role. It’ll only take a few questions to discern whether or not your recruiter is nothing but a candidate forwarding service.

Don’t Waste Time With Mundane CV Services

If your recruiter is simply sending over CVs and providing very little interaction combined with no additional services, then they’re not doing their job. You need to have a working relationship with your recruiter or recruitment agency whereby mutual feedback shapes processes that leave everyone happy, and the company’s needs met or exceeded. Share your wants and needs with Caissa Recruitment, and we’ll devise the ideal hiring process to suit your individual business & the specific roles that need to be filled.

Evaluating A Quality Recruiter