A Recruitment Agency on YouTube?

Yes! We are a recruitment agency and we’re on YouTube! Why? We’re eager to share our insights with the wider world and engage in dialogue about recruitment and hiring practices - notably for technology roles.  Our videos are relevant for three groups:
Inhouse recruiters - We work with a lot of recruiters and HR personal, from our years in this space we’ve learned how to create a streamlined experience driving quality candidate quickly. That said, we’ve also received feedback from candidates and employees on what irks them in their companies, so we’re eager to share ways to improve retention as well.

Job Seekers (we call them “Candidates” internally) - We have sent people to thousands of interviews over the years, so we’re eager to ensure our knowledge and experience in acing this process is shared. 

Our fellow recruiters - We know our industry can improve, and love to hear from other recruiters on how to get this done.

Our Intention with YouTube

The Caissa Commitment focuses on acting with a moral compass in the interest of clients and candidates. We’re changing lives for candidates and company trajectories for the businesses we place talent within, this is huge responsibility. Though YouTube, we are showing what it means to be an ethical recruitment agency in 2020 tackling difficult questions.

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